Boyd's World-> The College Baseball Ratings Page-> Weekly Press Release About the author, Boyd Nation

Boyd's World Weekly Press Release

The file linked at the bottom is in PDF format, designed to be appropriately formatted for immediate printing. It contains the full current ISR's and pseudo-RPI's along with both sets of conference rankings in five pages. It's intended for distribution in off-net situations such as pressboxes and the like, but you are of course free to use it under other circumstances if you find it handy, subject to the following restrictions:

The material contained in this release remains copyrighted by Boyd Nation. Permission is granted to distribute the file currently linked to below as widely as you want, but that permission does not apply to any future releases. Alterations of the text in any form or additions which confuse the issue of authorship are forbidden (you are free to add explanations of the source as you see fit, of course, as long as the original authorship remains clear).

The release will be available each Tuesday immediately after the release of the ratings during the season.

Feedback is welcomed. If you have suggestions for things you'd like to see in here, let me know; if you have complaints about formatting or the like, I'll be glad to address those. Even if you have no comments about the content, I'd appreciate it if you could drop me a line if you use this release more than once, so I can keep track of who my audience is and how they're using the material for planning purposes.

Boyd's World Weekly Press Release in PDF Format

Boyd's World-> The College Baseball Ratings Page-> Weekly Press Release About the author, Boyd Nation